The Year seems to be coming to a end really quickly. I need to summerise my year so far.....
The year so far. Its gone OKAYish….. I started off this year on a pretty poor mark ( visual communication in Context 2- 44). Since that I received a 58 for screen Based communication. Which I am much happier with. All though I have only completed two units, I have also completed a competition brief : PJ’s . I have also completed a Live Brief: Hope for Children – Charity website. So i have still managed to get quite a bit done and a few new pieces into my portfolio.
My favorite unit this year, was the Animal packaging brief. This unit allowed me to be really creative and become a much more logically thinker. Packaging and product design was something i considered doing a few years ago. I did it a couple of time through my A levels. Something i would defently look into doing again for future briefs.
My main aim now is too give the FMP everything i have got left in me. Only got a few more weeks left on it. I must push myself and get the most out of it. I need to be hitting top 50's
The other main concern of mine is the essay. I am perticularly poor at writing essays so this is a difficult unit for me. The essay has had a poor start but it so important i get on top of it and stay on top of it. I need to be getting at least 50 to progress to the next year.
Really looking forward to moving on (hopefully) to 3rd year Graphic Design. I feel my understand of graphic design has grown massively over the last two years. My understanding of typography and layout has grown hugely. My passion for the subject is just getting stronger and stronger with every unit i complete. I have had some ups and down over the last two years, but they have taught me lessons about my self and the way that i work and make decisions.