The module Screenbased communication required me to show my understanding of webdesign and branding. I needed to come up with a branding identity for myself " Robert Houliston design " and create a website (online portfolio). I feel this project went reasonably well, i have managed to create a simple yet effective website that communicates my work in a professional manor. I started by researching into the world wide web and varouis different ways that you could make a website. Different software such as text wrangler, dreamweaver and flash. After doing this i spent some time re learning the programs, it has been awhile since i had used flash or dreamweaver and i needed to get back into them. I selected Adobe Flash as the programme to create my site. After Working this out i started designing my personal identity. I did this by looking at the work i have done and i found commonalities in my work, such as the use of greyscale, my love for helvetica :) and strong contrasts throughout my work. I designed my identity which now looks simpliar to the one at the top of this blog. With this 'logo' the colour scheme came quite easily.
The colour scheme
The reason i deiceded to use CYMK and Greyscale is becuase most of my work is very simple and often uses dark greys and blacks and occasionaly alot of blank space, I thought by using this colours and the layout that i went with it would contrast the work that i have to show in my porfolio.
Getting my gallery right is esstentail to the website. i wanted my work to shown off inthe best possible way.Due to file size restrictions( because i didnt want to take forever to load) i used the thumbnails as a little divider from the menu and where the full sie images will be. This works quite well i think, but i dont think i should have left the blank thumbnails there. The contact and biography pages are kept really simple, a short paragraphy about myself, and my contacts details - its as simple as that! I want to focus of the website to be my actual work so i have kept everything else really plain and simple.
What i am going to change.
Things that i need to change and reconsider before making it a fully live website with my own domain name ( Adding a copywrite,changin the gallery slightly so the images can be bigger and the thumbnails need repositioning. I am going to be remaking the website in HTML and CSS. Something i have noticed since handing in my webdesign is that my flash document is quite diffuclt to change as their is action script all over the place. I think i will be spending some time at my fathers design studio to re make it on Dreamweaver or Textwrangler. I will still include some flash.