Friday, 10 October 2008

Visual Communication in Context - Greeting Cards

The Second Task- Set of 6 Greeting Cards.

(LO2)Demonstrate that you have acquired the appropriate balance of conceptual, analytical and practical skills in order to communicate professional innovative design solutions.

We opened up the new project with a guest speaker and a designer that will be helping and advising us through out this task. Claire the guest speaker, showed us a selection of her work. Her story was interesting, as it was similar to mine, she started of on a two year course then did a top up course after. She found her self a good job which gave her lots of opportunity to start off in the business, unfortunately she had to leave and go freelance. I work was all based around illustration and layout design. Claire produces patterns which get sold to client to make what they want out of them.

Once we had learned Claire's story, i asked her for some help about how to start this task. The boundaries are so limited on this project, we need to decide on our target audience then produce the cards. My first ideas are to aim my work at men around 20's- mid 30's. This i feel is quite a good target to have, i will be able to base my idea around something that would appeal to me. I have chosen again to look at music or film, using various quotes and lines to produce a interesting typographical based set of cards. Obviously my idea needs to progress greatly but i feel like i have selected a good target and a interesting film to base it around.