Friday, 24 October 2008

Greeting Cards- Final Critique

Final critique today!! However was in a pretty bad mood, I was up working till 4 am last night, so i would have a set of six that i will be happy with showing in the crit.
The feedback that i got from todays critique:
-I was firstly criticized for my use of the quotes, apparently they are too violent i however disagree. I feel that the quotes i used appeal the audience i am targeting my work too. So i think i will keep the quotes the same as they. I will try making another set, so i can show that my idea works for films in general and it can be aimed at a wider audience.
-I need to find better film stills for Die hard, Pulp fiction casablanca and the shining- Icon( have the rights to many film stills.)
-Look into film reals some more, work on improving the look of the film.

Overall i feel the feedback i got was fair, i disagreed with he comment about my quotes, i have no intention to change them, because i believe there is a market for them. I will relook at some of the design on my greeting cards, keep developing them and keep in improving them.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Greeting Cards - Group Critique

Today I took part in a critique of mine and others work, and to see how it has developed and how I can further my work. Personally I don't think the crit was held in a particularly good way today. It started late in the day and the day before the final crit. However,The feedback:
- Need to make them look like a set of six.
- Need to refine the quotes, perhaps shorten them ( However I don't really want to do this as i spent a long time researching different quotes, and i liked having the whole quote displayed rather than the classic one liner that you see everyday.)
- Need to re-work the format of the cards.
- Need to decide on a typeface to work with on my cards rather than having different ones.
- Look into film reals, directors , film grain, film stills and scripts.

I need to work on these cards throughout most the night, get them to a set of six that i am happy with ready for the FINAL CRIT tomorrow, at the moment I admit I'm not happy with the way they look together, but i do like the 'Taxi driver and the Shining' cards, Maybe I could develop these cards to make the others fit in with them.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Visual Communication in Context - Greeting Cards

The Second Task- Set of 6 Greeting Cards.

(LO2)Demonstrate that you have acquired the appropriate balance of conceptual, analytical and practical skills in order to communicate professional innovative design solutions.

We opened up the new project with a guest speaker and a designer that will be helping and advising us through out this task. Claire the guest speaker, showed us a selection of her work. Her story was interesting, as it was similar to mine, she started of on a two year course then did a top up course after. She found her self a good job which gave her lots of opportunity to start off in the business, unfortunately she had to leave and go freelance. I work was all based around illustration and layout design. Claire produces patterns which get sold to client to make what they want out of them.

Once we had learned Claire's story, i asked her for some help about how to start this task. The boundaries are so limited on this project, we need to decide on our target audience then produce the cards. My first ideas are to aim my work at men around 20's- mid 30's. This i feel is quite a good target to have, i will be able to base my idea around something that would appeal to me. I have chosen again to look at music or film, using various quotes and lines to produce a interesting typographical based set of cards. Obviously my idea needs to progress greatly but i feel like i have selected a good target and a interesting film to base it around.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Look Again/Think Again Critique

Advice that i picked up from the crit lead by Neil.
- Play with leading on the type at the top
-Posters need to grab attention. Maybe think about having a back drop to make the poster shout a bit more. Its a bit flat at the moment, does sell the idea in a strong enough way.
- Maybe having a photographs of certain memories underneath the card would bring the idea forward and make it a stronger piece of design.
-Play with tracking on the type at the bottom, does it need to be in capitals?!? The font at the top needs to be re-looked at as well, does that need capitals????

Advice that i picked up from the crit lead by Sally.
- Re look at the idea of having such a basic illustration, its a very flat image and it could be so much more interesting if the original images were used, tapes have alot of interesting detail on them, so why not show it. The buttons on the tape player - use of nice symbols could work as well.

Overall my idea was liked, the concept is there, i just need to get that visualization there as well. I'm out of time on this brief but i am taking the comments i was given and when i have a free moment i will try and improve my work by taking in the feedback i have received.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Look Again/Think Again Development

My idea had progressed overnight. My idea was about listing peoples favorite tracks and tracks that might have some sentimental meaning to a wide range of people e.g Power of love, may remind people of a high school dance.
So my idea was about making people appreciate music more, and to remember the music and let the music remind of you of the past. This all came from my original idea of playlists. the playlist i made whilst i was traveling became really important to me, i still have the playlists on my computer and when i listen to the songs the memories come back to me. I want to get this message across to people because music is a great way of triggering memories, i also it could have potential to be a interesting piece of design.
Tutorial With Neil
These are a couple of things i took away with me, to research into to develop my idea further....
- Look at the cassette tape
- Hand written playlists
- Start a campaign- Remember the music

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Visual Communication in Context 2 - LookAgain/ThinkAgain

The First Task - Look Again Think Again
(LO1) Demonstrate your understanding of corporate identity, banding and other visual identification systems within a historical, business and cultural context through practical application.
The first part of this brief is titled Look Again/ Think Again.
After being read the brief i started by looking at the two examples that were given to us. The idea of making a poster for an object that carries a value that goes beyond its intended purpose really appealed to me. I brainstormed a couple of ideas all based around my travels during the summer. My first thoughts were my belongings in my backpack e.g ipod, wallet, passport. After thinking up some ideas, i had a group tutorial lead by Neil.
My ideas of playlist that you create when your travel or go on holiday were liked, but i was given good advice as to which direction to look into. Idea's of visual elements were suggested to me, this all helped my idea progress. I need to spend a couple of hours thinking about it, having a play visually and see if my message could be communicated.